Conference Focus
ICS is the premier international forum for the presentation of research results in high-performance computing systems held since 1987.
The focus of ICS is the high performance computers and computation:
- Architecture including power-aware, parallel I/O, grid-based, web-based, continuous monitoring, self-healing, fault-tolerant, embedded
- Productivity including benchmarks, performance evaluation studies, specialized languages, program development tools
- Systems including compilers, operating systems, schedulers, runtime optimization
- Applications including numeric and non-numeric, scientific, biological, industrial, massive sensory processing
- Theoretical underpinnings of any of the above topics as well as analysis and experimental evaluation of systems.
The ICS 25th Anniversary Volume published by ACM can be found . This volume contains the most influential papers presented at the conference in its first 25 years, together with the authors' retrospectives. It can be purchased from Barnes and Noble or Amazon.
will be held in Saltlake City, Utah .